Location: Villa Bottini, Via Elisa 9
Orari: Lunedì – Domenica 10:00 – 19:30


In 2017, Photolux Festival together with the Centre Méditerranéen de la Photographie (Bastia, Corse) promoted and organized a special program of artists residencies. The project aims to encourage a fertile cultural research and exchange and the promotion of young up and coming photographers internationally.
The exhibition presents the works by Ilaria Abbiento and Diane Moulenc, realized in the last residencies in Corse and in Lucca, respectively.

Curated by Marcel Fortini and Enrico Stefanelli
supported by Bonifacio-Office Municipal de Tourisme, Conservatoire du Littoral, Cullettività di Corsica, Cullettività di Corsica – Uffiziu di l’Ambiente di a Corsica, Maire de Bonifaciu

We live not, in reality, on the summit of a solid earth
but at the bottom of an ocean of air.

Corsica, autumn 2021

I am sailing in a stellar ocean..
From the dark, ultramarine blue, I see light.

The island represents the mooring of my awakening, a return to the essence, to the love of existence, to the purity of breath.
The work made in Corsica, the new chapter of my aquatic anthology, contemplates three elements: water, (white) earth and sky.
During my artistic residence, I observed the southern part of the island, fascinated by the luminous landscape dotted with white limestone rocks, changing by the action of wind and seawater.
The research focuses on the lightness of a breath of air that can change the geography of the coasts, can move the surface of the water, and the clouds.
The three elements blend harmoniously in a sequence of poetic images suspended in small and precious transparent glass cases.
An authentic, innocent gaze, which transcends thecosmic darknessby diluting itself in new light. A gaze which investigates elementary particles of the island universe as if it were the first time, and which becomes aware of how pure air that passes through matter can gradually shape the landscape of an existence.
The body of the work consists of 21 images, a video, a small transparent box of white stone dust, an audio file with the sound of the sea around the island.

21st is the day I was born.

Aria is part of my name.


I repeat this statement to myself. A serene joy, tinged with absurdity, emanates from it.

You can call it Love.

I take my camera after two years of pandemic. A new war resounds, less distant. The eternal issue of borders. The Russians have just crossed one. A sense of urgency blurs my desires: act, show, photograph?

You can call it Love.

I go outside of the walls that surround the old city. I look around. Outside the precious chest, beauty is no longer given. You have to open your mind and be attentive to find it.
The slow time of walking as a remedy for my sense of urgency. I cling to reality; I celebrate reality.

You can call it Love.

Photographing here is a gesture of anchoring. Thanks to this gesture, I look. I provide myself the tools to access the world. I look for the beauty of a moment shared in the streets, of an encounter that only curiosity allows me to receive.