In collaboration with the Diocesi di Ascoli Piceno e Neapolis.Art

with the technical support of Canon Italia

Photolux has decided to give its support to the populations of central Italy, hit by the 2016 earthquake and to do so through its own specific: photography. In particular, it carried out a training project whose first recipients were upper secondary school students. Teenagers are very familiar with photography, a visual language that they use daily through smartphones (photography is the most used function after that of instant messages). The amount of shots they produce is enormous, in an almost bulimic approach that produces images in forced or constructed poses, sometimes almost identical, which often do not express the identity of those who take them and do not tell any story. The aim of the path is to make children understand that every photographic image conveys a message and that to understand it it is necessary to know its specific language, interpret it, decode it and make it your own. The path introduced the children to photography and storytelling in images, offering them the opportunity to explore the various aspects of visual communication and to analyze the reality that surrounds them, so changed following the traumatic event of the earthquake. Important Italian photographers and photojournalists guided them first in the reading and understanding of a photographic reportage and then in the construction and realization of their own story in images. The exhibition collects the best shots of the children and some of the images taken by the teachers during their stay in the areas affected by the earthquake.