The PhotoBoox Award is an international contest dedicated to photobooks. The 2017 edition is promoted by Photolux in cooperation with ceiba editionsEyesOpen! magazine and Grafiche dell’Artiere. The award is aimed to recognize the best unpublished editorial projects, giving them a broad visibility and a chance of publication.
Mayumi Suzuki
 with her dummy The Restoration Will

This outstanding dummy tells, visually, the story of the loss of the photographer’s parents in the 2011 tsunami that occurred in Japan.
The jury found the visual story and the narrative very powerful and also perceived the struggle in finding an adequate way of telling the story of a personal loss of such magnitude.
With the decision of awarding Mayumi Suzuki the jury is offering their support for the completion of this very personal project by turning this already strong dummy into a book. We realise how something that might have started as a way to deal with a personal loss, can turn into a project to share with a larger audience. Reflected in this dummy, we see the struggle of the author and the challenges she had to face and therefore we believe it has a huge potential. She was able to show her vulnerability on the pages but not always she seems capable of finding a reaction to it on her own.

Miki Hasegawa with her dummy Internal Notebook

The structure of the dummy reveals an eclectic use of notebook style and a very thorough research. The dummy deals with the emotional cries of children raised in abusive homes. The jury was impressed by the way Miki Hasegawa approached this extremely difficult subject. A book not easy to digest but nonetheless very significant. We found it remarkable how she tells the stories in such a respectful, delicate way.
The other 4 shortlisted dummies are:
Olga Bushkova, How I tried to convince my husband to have children
Keiji FujimotoForget-me-not
Hiroshi OkamotoWe do not need you, here / If I could only fly
Thi My Lien NguyenHiêu Thào/With love and respect


Olga Bushkova, How I tried to convince my husband to have children

Keiji Fujimoto, Forget-me-not

Hiroshi Okamoto, We do not need you, here / If I could only fly

Thi My Lien Nguyen, Hiêu Thào/With love and respect


Mayumi SuzukiThe Restoration Will

Questo dummy racconta la storia della perdita dei genitori, che l’autrice ha vissuto a seguito dello tsunami che ha colpito il Giappone nel 2011.
La giuria ha percepito il conflitto interiore e la fatica dell’autrice nel trovare il modo giusto di raccontare la storia di una perdita così grande, con una narrazione per immagini potente ed efficace.
Assegnando a Mayumi Suzuki questo premio, la giuria intende supportare l’autrice nel processo di compimento di questo progetto personale, trasformando un dummy già molto convincente in un libro, nella convinzione che quanto iniziato probabilmente come modo per lavorare su una perdita personale possa diventare un progetto da condividere con un ampio pubblico. La giuria ha visto chiaramente riflessa nelle pagine del dummy la personale sfida dell’autrice e tutto il potenziale di questo lavoro, nel quale ha saputoraccontare la propria la sua vulnerabilità senza però trovare le giuste soluzioni narrative.