Young Curators Photolux Contest 2017 is an international contest dedicated to young curators aged 19-40. The contest is aimed to recognize the best emergent curators, giving them a broad visibility and a chance to produce an exhibition’s project.

Cristina Sanchez Blazquez with the project Barcepoli by Conchi Martinez.

Using Monopoly Game as a pattern Conchi Martinez intention  is making a portrait of Barcelona to reflect how changes that it’s experimenting day to day coexist with formerly remnants. For that she have mounted a new version replacing the corresponding squares by photographs of the places that appear in the game.

Cristina Sanchez Blazquez studied photography at the Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya (IEFC), Barcelona. She then took a specialization course on artistic photography at the Serra i Abellà art school (Barcelona). In 2011 she founded the Inercia Fotográfica association, together with two other photographers, and they received a grant from the Barcelona City Council to develop a participatory photography project for women at the Ca la Dona and the Can Basté cultural centers. Both projects concluded with collective exhibitions. In 2015 she joined the Territorios Libres collective, that was founded as a workers’ cooperative with the aim of contributing to the viability and outreach of photographic projects.