Location: Sotterraneo del Baluardo San Colombano, Corso Garibaldi 35
4 – 26 settembre 2021

Since 1955 the World Press Photo has recognized professional photographers for the best pictures contributing to the past year of visual journalism.

The jury of the 64nd edition of the contest, selected The First Embrace by Danish photographer Mads Nissen as the World Press Photo of the Year 2021. In the image, Rosa Luzia Lunardi (85) is embraced by nurse Adriana Silva da Costa Souza, at Viva Bem care home, São Paulo, Brazil.

The Italian photographer Antonio Faccilongo was the winner of the World Press Story of the Year with Habibi, a project that intend to show the impact of the conflict on Palestinian families, and the difficulties they face in preserving their reproductive rights and human dignity.

Habibi is also the winning project in the first prize in the Long-Term Project category. The other Italian winners are: Gabriele Galimberti, with The Ameriguns, first prize stories in the Portraits category and Lorenzo Tugnoli, with Port Explosion in Beirut, first prize stories in the Spot News category.