letture portfolio 2015


Laura Sassi born in Reggio Emilia where she lives and works. Professional photographer since 1977; since 2003 you have collaborated professionally with the Diocesi of Reggio Emilia and Guastalla in relation to the Cultural Project for the Archiving of the Artistic Heritage of the Churches in the Province of Reggio Emilia. Specialized in traditional black and white photography, she personally takes care of the development and printing laboratory for her professional work and personal research.
She is vice president of CNA Comunicazione and Head of the Professional Photographers sector of the Province of Reggio Emilia. ‘Qualified Teacher’ for IPP Professional Training Course for Photographers, training courses organized by the OrvietoFotografia International Fund and by the CNA and Confartigianato Nazionali associations.
You have achieved important awards at national and European level, receiving for her works, in 2002 the QIP (Qualified Italian Photographer), and in 2003 the QEP (Qualified European Photographer), qualifications recognized by the most important Associations European photographic.
Since 2004 you have been part of the FIAF Jury for the ‘assignment of the’ QIP ‘Italian Professional Qualification and since 2010 you have been President of the same Jury. Since 2010 you have been a member of the Board of Directors of the Palazzo Magnani Foundation in Reggio Emilia. You have carried out personal research projects that have converged in some exhibitions exhibited on the national territory.