Staged Photography & Fiction — GUIA BESANA

24-25 Novembre 2018

Staged Photography & Fiction

« Creating an image inside a larger narrative »

«The Museum-home of Giacomo Puccini is a historical museum located in Lucca (Italy) – it occupies the premises of the apartment in which the composer Giacomo Puccini was born on 22nd December 1858. The museum houses original furnishings, precious objects belonging to the musician, including autographed scores of young compositions, many letters by and to Giacomo Puccini, paintings, photographs, sketches, memorabilia and precious documents … ». Hence the idea of ​​proposing to the workshop participants to create “staged photographs” in which they will be asked to insert the human element in location, trying to work on the concept of “narrative”. The theme is free and will be elaborated following the portfolio readings during which the participants’ imagery will be explored. During the workshop, Guia Besana will invite you to explore the different declinations of the photographic process which leads to “staged photography”, a key element of her personal work, through a creative workshop that will have you as directors and subjects.


– Learn how to develop a “mise en scene” starting from one’s own vision / perception

– Playing with the space available to invent a situation that translates an idea and make the image part of a wider narrative.

– Construct an image

– Identify and analyze the elements that can help to find an aesthetic form

Day 1

– Presentation of  Guia Besana work’s and other photographers who use “fiction”  as a working method

– Reading of the participants’ portfolio

– Identify goals

– Preparation of the idea of ​​a staged image to be realized individually or in a group

Day 2

– Shooting- editing

– Final discussion

Requested equipment: Participants must bring their portfolio (digital support), notebook, camera and tripod
Costs: €250. Room and board not included.

 10% discount if you sign up for two or more workshops.


Guia Besana, (b.1972), Italian self-taught photographer currently living and working in Barcelona, Spain.  After studies in media and comunication in Turin, Italy, in 1994 she becomes photographer and moves to Paris (France). With a particular attention to women’s issues she travels in different countries and joins Anzenberger Agency in 2005 and the Gallery in 2013. Her work is regularly published in international magazines and blogs: CNN photo blog, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Marie Claire, Vanity Fair, Le Monde, Courrier International, D di Repubblica, Esquire…Her work has been recognized by several international awards: Los Angeles LADCA, MIFA, MarieClaire International Award, AI AP, PWP – Professional Women Photographers, finaliste au Julia Margaret Cameron Award, finaliste au prix Leica Oskar Barnack . With her personal project Baby Blues  she won the Amilcare Ponchielli Grin 2012. Her images have been exhibited in New York (USA), Los Angeles (USA), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Italy, France, Spain and Malaysia.

In collaboration with


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