Photography and Reportage — Dario Mitidieri

How do you work for an assignement? How do you build a story? The workshop aims to teach how to develop a photographic project for an assignement and how it is then essential to work on editing and search for the best narrative structure.

Day 1:
Introductions and short focus on the teacher’s work
Introduction to the workshop and choice of the assignment
Shooting session
Day 2:
Review and critical discussion of the works
Editing and post-production
Presentation of the final results

Requested equipment: camera and notebook.
Costs: 250 €. Room and board not included.

London based Dario Mitidieri began working for The Sunday Telegraph and for The Independent newspapers. In 1989, he travelled to China to document the students demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. For his work he was awarded British Press Photographer of the Year and recognized worldwide as one of the top emerging photojournalists. In 1994 his book Children of Bombay was published in six languages, the result of a year long project about the lives of street children in Bombay. Described in French Photo Magazine as one of the ten most important photographic books of the decade, Children of Bombay has given a voice to children who occupy the very bottom rung of India’s social ladder.
In the years that followed Mitidieri photographed the Kobe earthquake, Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna’s last race, the conflicts in Northern Ireland and Iraq, the Tsunami in Indonesia as well as working on project such as Children in Wars, Charismatic Evangelism, Hedonism in Ibiza and Teenage Pregnancy in the UK.
His latest project, Lost Family Portraits, has received critical acclaim and used extensively both on printed and social media worlwide.