Location: Villa Bottini, via Elisa,9



The winner of the Photolux Travel Photography Award 2019 is Fabio Gervasoni.

“Travel photography for me is observation and discovery, something slow. I like to go back to the same places over and over again to better understand their essential.

This photo was taken in Tokyo, in the alleys of the Shinjuku district, in an atmosphere that seems light years away from the metropolis of skyscrapers and neon lights that we are used to imagine. Omoide Yokocho seems to live in a elusive bubble, full of vapors, smoke from the grills, men who stop for a cigarette and something to eat after work. Taking a photograph is like tiptoeing into the lives of people, picking up some details to trigger new journeys in the mind of those who will look at it. ” (Fabio Gervasoni)

 The video projection also includes the works of the shortlisted photographers.

Schermata 2019-06-10 alle 11.23.01