curated by Azu Nwagbogu
The perception of African women, historically and in the contemporary visual culture, is limited to the commonly considered sacred traditions. But there is a gradual evolution in the reality of African women. The ability to mutate and adapt, while remaining anchored to their roots and traditions, able to remain true to themselves, just like the earth from which they came. Elasticity that turns into resilience.
In this project Joana Choumali focuses on the appearance of these issues: the traditional clothing. The women portrayed in pictures by Joana are modern women, emancipated professionals, perfectly integrated in contemporary society. Taken out jeans, tailleurs and high heels shoes, each of them was portrayed wearing the clothes of their ave. Each portrait session represented a real ritual, an almost religious moment, meditation. Rediscovering, through the gestures of dressing, tissues and hairstyles, the indissoluble bond that associate all women with the women of previous generations, but above all the importance of rediscovering and keeping in touch with the roots to fully build their identity.
(from a text by Azu Nwagbogu)