Location: Ex-Cavallerizza, Piazzale Giuseppe Verdi – Lucca


Huelva, which already had been the departure port for the discovery of the New World of America, now wishes to participate in the next great adventure of Humanity: the conquest of another New World which is Mars. While both government aerospace agencies and large private corporations aim for that goal, the Riotinto mining región in South Western Spain has become a valuable testing ground: in its landscape so similar to that of the Red Planet, science fiction seems to come true.

For that reason the titanic Chinese investment trust Galaxy Enterteinment has decided to build there the future theme park Gossan: Mars Mission. Gossan will be the first park dedicated to interplanetary exploration and will offer attractions providing a playful and educational experience for an audience of all ages.

To promote this important initiative, Galaxy Enterteinment and the Tourism Office of the Government of Huelva have requested the complicity of visionary artists and have commissioned Joan Fontcuberta to create preliminary images for the international promotion of the project and the communication campaign.