Editing for Impact – Workshop with Jenny Smets and Magdalena Herrera

Almost every photographer will recognise the feeling: you have this important story you want to show, you’ve put all your energy, time and creativity in the shoot and you’ve ended up with a huge quantity of photographs.

But is it a story? Who will understand it? How will people appreciate it? In this two-day workshop you’ll learn how to shape a story from a mass of images and how to make it work for your audience.

The participants are required to bring a rough edit of 60 images of a photo story or serie of their choice. The images should be available as both digital files and print. The prints will be used for the editing and should be postcard size (+/- 10×15 cm). It is recommended to bring a laptop.

What will you learn?
Editing a story to a narrative with impact.
How to make an edit for different platforms: magazine, book, online
publication, exhibition.
Getting the story out: pitching, finding an audience, approaching possible clients.

Presentation by Magdalena Herrera and Jenny Smets
Showcase of different photographic works
How to make prepare the perfect pitch in spoken and written form
First round of editing together with peers under supervision of the masters
Second round of editing
Presentations of the participants
Discussion on platforms (exhibition, print, digital) and putting yourself in the market


Magdalena Herrara was born in Havana to a family of artists and she left Cuba as a child to settle in Paris, where she studied fine art and art history at the Sorbonne before starting her career as a graphic designer and art director. She has worked in books and magazines, spending ten years as Art Director and head of the photo department at National Geographic France before joining Geo France as Director of Photography. Parallel to her journalistic work, Magdalena Herrera runs workshops and seminars around the world organized by the World Press Photo Foundation including the Joop Swart Masterclass. She is a tutor in photography at the Lensculture Masterclass, and at Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India, as well as for Fokal, the Soros foundation in Haiti. She has taught photojournalism at the Ecole Supérieure de Sciences Po, Paris.
Her experience and her eye for photography mean that she is regularly solicited as a Jury Member at international photography competitions.
She was the chair of the 2018 World Press Photo contest.

Jenny Smets is an independent curator of photography exhibitions and director of photography of the Dutch magazine Vrij Nederland. This magazine is known for the high standard of photography and publishes photo essays of renowned national and international photographers. For FOTODOK, place for documentary photography in Utrecht (NL) she was curator for the exhibition on Privacy (2015). She co-curated the exhibitions There is Something about my Family (2016), Believe (2016), (Re) Inventing Nature (2017) and Beyond You and Me about Identity (2017). For Photoville, the photo festival in Brooklyn New York she curated a show on the work of Robin de Puy in 2016 and Jan Hoek in 2017. Smets works internationally as a trainer of photographers and teaches at the KABK Art Academy in The Hague. She also is connected to World Press Photo as project adviser on new developments in documentary photography and The annual Joop Swart Masterclass.