Approach to natural light
Meeting with Paolo Verzone

Location: Complesso di San Micheletto, via San Micheletto, 3, Lucca
Date: 27 May 2022, from 10am to 7pm
Price: 150,00 €

An intensive day where Paolo Verzone will talk about his personal approach to natural light.

The workshop will take place in the morning with an introduction to the use of light in the set portrait, in the afternoon there will be a shooting session where the participants will be shown Paolo Verzone’s approach to ambient light and its possible uses.


Paolo Verzone (Turin, 1967) lives between Italy, France and Spain. Paris He has been a member of Agence VU since 2003. For over thirty years, Paolo Verzone has photographed the world around him. Since the beginning of his career as a photographer, he has collaborated with European and international magazines documenting a world in constant motion and the changes in contemporary society.
With rigor and eclecticism he covers both newspaper and magazine assignments and long-term personal projects, ranging from documentary photography to portraits. From white to black to color, using both analog and digital. Over time his interest has focused above all on people and has concentrated his work on the set portrait. He works with the medium format, which imposes a focus on the subject, presented in full figure. His portraits always reflect on the multiplicity and singularity of the individual, as happens in the series Seeuropeans (1994/2002) and Moscow Project (1991/2001) created together with Alessandro Albert.
His photographs are preserved in many international collections, Victoria & Albert Museum (London), Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris), Instituto Nazionale della Grafica (Rome), to name a few.

In collaborazione con Spazio Fotografia San Zenone e Canon Italia.