In collaboration with World Press Photo Foundation

The second edition of ‘Editing for Narrative Impact’ workshop, promoted by the World Press Photo Foundation and Photolux Festival, is dedicated to advanced students to mid-career photographers.
The workshop is designed to strengthen the editing skills of photographers, with an emphasis on how to select and sequence images in either a story or a portfolio. The two-day workshop covers editing for different types of publications and will give participants the skills to start the storytelling conversation with editors, curators and platforms.

“Without a story there is nothing to tell, without a good edit nothing happens”

-day 1: in the morning an introduction to the basics of storytelling. An introduction to editing with real examples of photographers and their stories. In the afternoon participants will work both individually and in groups editing their stories under the guidance of the trainers.
-day 2: presentation of the participants’ final edits to the group with feedback from the trainers. Feedback will also be given to the participants on how to submit, promote and publish their stories. The day will end in a group discussion with key learning points and conclusions.

The workshop is open for starting to mid-career photographers, including photography students with experience in visual storytelling. The participants are required to have a good level of conversational English.
The number of participants for ‘Editing for Narrative Impact’ is set at 12 and they are selected based on the applications, with emphasis on photographic storytelling and motivation. The deadline for applications is 23 October 2017 and the applicants will be notified by e-mail by 30 October 2017 whether they have been selected. Participants will receive an invoice for the fee which needs to be paid no later than 9 November. Cancellations or no-shows will not be refunded.
To apply, please send the following to education at education@worldpressphoto.org before 23 October 2017:
● your full name and contact details;
● a short motivation letter stating why you want to take part in the workshop;
● a short description about your work or story (+/- 300 words)
For further information please contact Maral Deghati and Lars Boering at education@worldpressphoto.org

Equipment and content
Participants should bring a laptop or tablet their images and a good idea. The images must be their own work, with a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 60 images to use as raw material for the edits during the workshop. In the selection it is necessary to have images of places and activities, details of the subjects, and some portraits. For the stories it is important to think about establishing shots. For a strong portfolio it’s important to focus on consistency of the images. The images should be available as both digital files and in print. The prints will be used for the editing and should be postcard size ( approximately 10×15 cm).

Magdalena Herrera, director of photography of Geo, France, worked as art director and head of photography for the French National Geographic magazine from 1999 to 2009. She has also taught photojournalism at Sciences Po Journalism in Paris and at several workshops in Europe, Asia and Africa, including World Press Photo’s Reporting Change program.

Jenny Smets is an independent curator of photography exhibitions, educator and director of photography of the magazine Vrij Nederland, The Netherlands. She hosts workshops and masterclasses, edits photography books and writes on photography. She studied history of modern and contemporary art at UVA University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and specialized during her studies in the history of photography. Jenny is member of the supervisory board of World Press Photo.

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